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A Discord bot to link subreddits.
View the code on GitHub.

Technologies used:

  • C# .NET 4.6.1
  • RedditSharp (C# wrapper for the Reddit API)
  • DSharpPlus (C# wrapper for the Discord API)

Year made/current status:

  • Created 2018
  • Feature complete/finished. Also, disused.

What it is:

This is a Discord bot that can either be run locally or on a remote server. After adding it as a bot/user on Reddit and Discord, it will passively read through comments from users in Discord. If it detects a subreddit mention (ex /r/aww or r/news) it will create an embed, and reply with that embed to the channel.

Features of the app include:

  • Commands to get links to top posts of a subreddit
  • NSFW subreddit detection, to prevent any thumbnails in the embed from from showing NSFW content.

Why I made it:

My friends and I switched from Facebook Messanger to Discord in mid 2017, and slowly ramped up and broadened our usage of Discord's feature set. By the time this idea was incepted, we had all sorts of bots running and someone had a thought, "I wonder if there's a bot to link subreddits I don't know about when people mention them". There weren't any good options we could find, so I raced a friend to build one first, mine in C# and his in JavaScript.

We hosted them on his Azure instance, and after trialing both of them for a week or so, we determined as a group that we talk about/post way too many reddit links and didn't want the bot spam anymore. All in all, it worked very well and was a quick, fun way to learn working with new API's.